Using Types to encode State

Systems have state

The system state is the product of all the things in the system that can be varied.

State can often be sub-divided into smaller units - some independent, some connected.


A GPIO pin on a microcontroller. It typically has:

  • An output driver, that allows it to drive current out of the pin (or not)
  • An input buffer, that allows the CPU to read the state of the pin
  • An output level (high or low)

Functionality can depend on state

Is this program correct?

let p = GpioPin::new(7);
if p.is_low() {
    println!("Button is pressed");


  • What if the pin defaults to "output mode"?
  • What does it mean to read the level of a pin in output mode?

Ignoring the problem

You don't have to solve this problem.

See, Arduino, which happily uses int for GPIO pin IDs, not values of custom types.

But we can do better?

We've got a type system with traits and a powerful static analysis engine...

let p = OutputPin::new(7);
if p.is_low() {
    println!("Button is pressed");
1 | struct OutputPin {}
  | ---------------- method `is_low` not found for this struct
9 |     if p.is_low() {
  |          ^^^^^^ method not found in `OutputPin`

How would you change state?

With a method that takes ownership:

impl OutputPin {
    fn into_input(self) -> InputPin {
        InputPin { self.pin_id }        

impl InputPin {
    fn into_output(self) -> OutputPin {
        OutputPin { self.pin_id }        


The function call poke_hardware_registers() is a placeholder for whatever work you need to do on that microcontroller to change the state of that pin.

Non-Zero Sized Types

This type consumes 1 byte of RAM (maybe 4 bytes, with alignment). Is that strictly required?

fn main() {
struct OutputPin {
    pin_id: u8

Zero Sized Types

This type is of zero size. But any method call on it has access to the pin number, through the type system.

struct OutputPin<const PIN: u8> { _inner: () }

impl<const PIN: u8> OutputPin<PIN> {
    fn print_id(&self) {
        println!("I am pin {}", PIN);

fn main() {
    let p: OutputPin<5> = OutputPin { _inner: () };
    println!("size is {}", std::mem::size_of_val(&p));


The _inner field is not pub, and therefore ensures values of this type can't be constructed outside the module it was defined in. This forces people to use the new functions you provide!

Generic Pin Modes?

fn main() {
pub trait PinMode {}

pub struct Output {}
impl PinMode for Output {}

pub struct Input {}
impl PinMode for Input {}

pub struct Pin<MODE> where MODE: PinMode { mode: MODE }

impl Pin<Output> {
    pub fn set_high(&self) { }
    pub fn set_low(&self) { }

impl Pin<Input> {
    pub fn is_high(&self) -> bool { todo!() }
    pub fn is_low(&self) -> bool { todo!() }

Preventing mis-use.

Who can impl PinMode for Type? Turns out anyone can...

use my_driver_crate::{Pin, PinMode};

struct OnFire {}
impl PinMode for OnFire {}

let pin: Pin<OnFire> = ...;

Sealing traits

fn main() {
mod private { pub trait Sealed {} }
pub trait PinMode: private::Sealed {}

pub struct Output {}
impl PinMode for Output {}
impl private::Sealed for Output {}

pub struct Input {}
impl PinMode for Input {}
impl private::Sealed for Input {}


The 'private' module is not pub, but the trait within it is pub. This means you cannot implement the PinMode trait yourself unless you can also 'see' a path to the private::Sealed trait - which is only visible within this module.

It's a trick to ensure only this module can implement the trait, but anyone else can see the trait and which types implement it.