Rust Projects Build Time

Understanding Rust projects build time

  • Cargo keeps track of changes you make and only rebuilds what is necessary
  • when building a crate rustc can do most of work in parallel, but some steps still require synchronization
  • depending on the type of build, times spent in different build phases may be vastly different.
    • debug vs release
    • various flags for rustc and LLVM
    • a build from scratch vs an incremental build

Producing a build timings report

rm -rf target/debug && cargo build --timings

└── target/
    ├── cargo-timings/
    │   ├── cargo-timings.html
    │   └── cargo-timings-<timestamp>.html
    ├── debug/
    └── ...

Timings Report

Cargo Build Report for Rust Analyzer

Reading the report

  • Cargo can't start building a crate until all its dependencies have been built.
    • Cargo only waits for rustc to produce an LLVM IR, further compilation by LLVM can run in background (purple)
  • a crate can't start building until its is built and finishes running (yellow)
  • if multiple crates depend on a single crate they often can start building in parallel
  • if a package is both a binary and a library then the binary is built after a library
    • integration tests, examples, benchmarks, and documentation tests all produce binaries and thus take extra time to build.

Actions you can take

Keep your crates independent of each other

  • Bad dependency graph:

    D -> C -> B -> A -> App
  • Good dependency graph (A, B, and C can be built in parallel and with greater incrementality):

      /-> A  \
    D ->  B  -> App
      \-> C  /

Note: To clarify

  • more parallelism -> the compiler can do more work at the same time
  • more incrementality -> the compiler can avoid doing work it's done before

Turn off unused features

  • Before:

    tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } # build all of Tokio                .
  • After:

    tokio = { version = "1", features = ["net", "io-util", "rt-multi-thread"] }

Prefer pure-Rust dependencies

  • crate cannot be built before is compiled and executed

    • crates using C-dependencies have to rely on
    • might trigger C/C++ compilation which in turn is often slow
  • e.g.: rustls instead of openssl

Use multi-module integration tests:

  • Before (3 binaries)
├── src/
│   └── ...
└── tests/
  • After (a single binary)
├── src/
│   └── ...
└── tests/
    └── my-app-tests/
        ├──   # includes the rest as modules       .
  • Also benchmark and examples

Other tips

  • split your large package into a few smaller ones to improve build parallelization
  • extract your binaries into separate packages
  • remove unused dependencies


  • cargo-chef to speed up your docker builds
  • sccache for caching intermediary build artifacts across multiple projects and developers