Booting a Cortex-M Microcontroller

In this deck, we're talking specifically about Arm Cortex-M based microcontrollers.

Other Arm processors, and processors from other companies may vary.


  • Processor - the core that executes instructions
  • SoC - the system-on-a-chip that contains a processor, some peripherals, and usually some memory
  • Flash - the flash memory that the code and the constants live in
  • RAM - the random-access memory that the global variables, heap and stack live in

An example

  • Arm Cortex-M4 - a processor core from Arm
    • Use the thumbv7em-none-eabi or thumbv7em-none-eabihf targets
  • nRF52840 - a SoC from Nordic Semi that uses that processor core

An example (2)

  • Arm Cortex-M0+ - a smaller, simpler, processor core from Arm
    • Use the thumbv6m-none-eabi target
  • RP2040 - a SoC from Raspberry Pi that uses two of those processor cores

Booting a Cortex-M

The Arm Architecture Reference Manual explains:

  • The CPU boots at a well-defined address
  • That word should contain a 32-bit RAM address for the stack pointer
  • The word after should contain a 32-bit code address for the 'Reset' function
  • The following 14 32-bit words are the exception handlers
  • After that comes words for each interrupt handler

The chip does everything else.

The steps

  1. Make an array, or struct, with those two (or more) words in it
  2. Convince the linker to put it at the right memory address
  3. Profit

C vector table

__attribute__ ((section(".nvic_table"))) unsigned long myvectors[] =
    (unsigned long) &_stack_top,
    (unsigned long) rst_handler, 
    (unsigned long) nmi_handler, 
    // ...

Rust vector table

pub static ISR_VECTORS: [Option<Handler>; 155] = [
    // ...


The cortex-m-rt crate does it more nicely than this. Stuffing the _stack_top address in an array of function-pointers - yuck!

C Reset Handler

Can be written in C! But it's hazardous.

extern unsigned long _start_data_flash, _start_data, _end_data;
extern unsigned long _bss_start, _bss_end;

void rst_handler(void) {
    unsigned long *src = &_start_data_flash;
    unsigned long *dest = &_start_data;
    while (dest < &_end_data) {
        *dest++ = *src++;
    dest = &_bss_start,
    while (dest < &_bss_end) {
        *dest++ = 0;
    while(1) { }


Global variables are not initialised when this function is executed. What if the C code touches an uninitialised global variable? C programmers don't worry so much about this. Rust programmers definitely worry about this.

Rust Reset Handler (1)

extern "C" {
    static mut _start_data_flash: usize;
    static mut _start_data: usize;
    static mut _end_data: usize;
    static mut _bss_start: usize;
    static mut _bss_end: usize;

Rust Reset Handler (2)

pub unsafe extern "C" fn rst_handler() {
    let mut src: *mut usize = &mut _start_data_flash;
    let mut dest: *mut usize = &mut _start_data;
    while dest < &mut _end_data as *mut usize {
        dest = dest.add(1);
        src = src.add(1);
    dest = &mut _bss_start as *mut usize;
    while dest < &mut _end_data as *mut usize {
        dest = dest.add(1);


This is technically undefined behaviour because globals haven't been initialised yet.

Linker scripts

  • In Rust, they work exactly like they do in C.
  • Same .text, .rodata, .data, .bss sections

The cortex-m-rt crate

Does all this work for you, in raw Arm assembly language to avoid UB.

See Reset, Linker script, and Vector table

The #[entry] macro

  • Attaches your fn main() to the reset function in cmrt
  • Hides your fn main() so no-one else can call it
  • Remaps static mut FOO: T to static FOO: &mut T so they are safe

Using the crate

See Cortex-M Quickstart