# Advanced Strings --- There are several different kinds of strings in Rust. Most common are `String` and `&str`. --- ## `String` - *Owns* the data it stores, and can be mutated freely - The bytes it points at exist on the *heap* - Does not implement `Copy`, but implements `Clone`
len = 6
cap = 8
--- ## `&str` - A "string slice reference" (or just "string slice") - Usually only seen as a borrowed value - The bytes it points at may be anywhere: heap, stack, or in read-only memory
len = 5
--- ## Creation ```rust [] fn main() { // &'static str let this = "Hello"; // String let that: String = String::from("Hello"); // &str let other = that.as_str(); } ``` --- ## When to Use What? - `String` is the *easiest* to use when starting out. Refine later. - `String` owns its data, so works well as a field of a `struct` or `enum`. - `&str` is typically used in function arguments. --- ## `Deref` Coercion Just because multiple types exist doesn't mean they can't work in harmony. ```rust [] fn main() { let part_one = String::from("Hello "); let part_two = String::from("there "); let whole = part_one + &part_two + "world!"; println!("{}", whole); } ``` This is because `String` s implement `Deref
` . --- ## Exotic String types - `OsStr` and `OsString` may show up when working with file systems or system calls. - `CStr` and `CString` may show up when working with FFI. The differences between `[Os|C]Str` and `[Os|C]String` are generally the same as the normal types. --- ## `OsString` & `OsStr` These types represent *platform native* strings. This is necessary because Unix and Windows strings have different characteristics. --- ## Behind the `OsString` Scenes - Unix strings are often arbitrary non-zero 8-bit sequences, usually interpreted as UTF-8. - Windows strings are often arbitrary non-zero 16-bit sequences, usually interpreted as UTF-16. - Rust strings are always valid UTF-8, and may contain `NUL` bytes. `OsString` and `OsStr` bridge this gap and allow for conversion to and from `String` and `str`. Note: In particular, UNIX file paths are not required to be valid UTF-8 and you might encounter such paths when looking at someone's disk. Windows file paths are also not required to be valid UTF-16 (i.e. might contain invalid surrogate pairs) and you might encounter such paths when looking at someone's disk. --- ## `CString` & `CStr` These types represent valid C compatible strings. They are predominantly used when doing FFI with external code. It is strongly recommended you read *all* of the [documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ffi/index.html) on these types before using them. --- ## Common String Tasks Splitting: ```rust [] fn main() { let words = "Cow says moo"; let each: Vec<_> = words.split(" ").collect(); println!("{:?}", each); } ``` --- ## Common String Tasks Concatenation: ```rust [] fn main() { let animal = String::from("Cow"); let sound = String::from("moo"); let words = [&animal, " says ", &sound].concat(); println!("{:?}", words); } ``` --- ## Common String Tasks Replacing: ```rust [] fn main() { let words = "Cow says moo"; let replaced = words.replace("moo", "roar"); println!("{}", replaced); } ``` --- ## Accepting `String` or `str` It's possible to accept either rather painlessly: ```rust [] fn accept_either
(thing: S) -> String where S: AsRef
{ String::from("foo") + thing.as_ref() } fn main() { println!("{}", accept_either("blah")); println!("{}", accept_either(String::from("blah"))); } ``` --- ## Raw String Literals - Starts with `r` followed by zero or more `#` followed by `"` - Ends with `"` followed by the same number of `#` - Can span multiple lines, leading spaces become part of the line - Escape sequences are not processed ```rust [] fn main () { let json = r##" { "name": "Rust Analyzer", "brandColor": "#5bbad5" } "##; assert_eq!(r"\n", "\\n"); } ``` --- ## Byte String Literals * not really strings * used to declare static byte slices (have a `&[u8]` type) ```rust [] fn main() { let byte_string: &[u8] = b"allows ASCII and \xF0\x9F\x98\x80 only"; println!("Can Debug fmt but not Display fmt: {:?}", byte_string); if let Ok(string) = std::str::from_utf8(byte_string) { println!("Now can Display '{}'", string); } } ```